We worked and played hard every time we visited La Dancrerie for the next few months. We needed to turn the attic into useable space, as it was a full height hayloft which we knew would have good views. The bathroom needed a re-fit (and in fact we ended up moving it) and Daddy worked out how we could fit in an extra loo and shower downstairs. A new study was made from an open shed in the main house, and new septic tank put in the back, along with a re-levelling of the ground so that an extra doorway could also be put in. The work took ages, and what with fumigation to deal with woodworm, and clearing out the drains, we had plenty of cleaning up to do each time we visited.
Boating on the Lake
Delighted to discover an old rowing boat half sunken in the lake, we salvaged it and Ben spent ages baling out dirty water. After a little fettling it has proved a wonderful way to relax
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